To obtain entry visa
An applicant who has obtained an acceptance letter or letter of invitation from the National University of Mongolia will receive a four-digit code for applying E2 type visa by e-mail. Applicant should contact Embassy or Consulate of Mongolia in home country. After reporting the received code to the embassy or consulate, the visa to enter Mongolia will be issued. Please note that you do not need a visa to enter Mongolia if you have a residence permit in Mongolia or already issued for a work or corporate visa at the time of applying to the National University of Mongolia. Please note that visa may not be issued if you have previously violated visa or residence permit legislation during your stay in Mongolia. Documents to submit to get invitation: 1. Copy of valid passport 2. HIV test (for last 3 months) 3. Tuberculosis test, X-ray (for last 3 months) 4. Study agreement (not required for non-degree applicants) 5. Bank note of tuition fee payment 6. Invitation fee 7500 MNT 7. Inform where you will be applying for a visa. F.E. Embassy of Mongolia in Seoul, Consulate of Mongolia in Huh hot 8. Applicants’ personal information (address, phone number in home country, email address; contact of emergency in home country, his/her name, phone number; contact in Mongolia, name, phone number) 9. Address where you will reside in Mongolia |
Temporary registration |
According to the Regulation on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens, students must within 48 hours after entering Mongolia get registered at Immigration Office online. Please contact Student and Alumni Affairs office immediately after arrival. Necessary information to send: 1. Passport number 2. Date of arrival 3. Address in Mongolia 4. Contact in Mongolia (name, phone number) 5. Personal information Please note that if you do not get registered to the Mongolian Immigration Office within 48 hours, you will be fined 2,500,000 MNT and will not be able to obtain a residence permit in the future. |
To obtain residence permit |
According to the Regulation on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens, student must obtain a residence permit or certificate of alien registration within 14 calendar days after registration. To obtain a residence permit, student must come to Student and Alumni Office with the required documents. Necessary documents: 1. Original passport 2. Copy of passport 3. 1 ID photo (4×6 size) 4. Current residing address reference 5. Application form for a residence permit 6. 66,500 MNT Please note that if you do not issue documents within the specified time, you will be liable and pay large sum of fine according to the law. |
Residence permission extension |
Student must apply to residence permit extension prior to at least 30 days before residence permit expiry. To apply for extension, bring following documents to Student and Alumni Office: 1. Original passport 2. Copy of passport 3. 1 ID photo (4×6 size) 4. Current residing address reference 5. Application form for a residence permit 6. Original residence /alien/ card 7. 72,000 MNT |
Cancellation of residence permit and exit Mongolia |
Cancellation of residence permit shall be issued within 4 business days before residence permit expires when international student intends to leave Mongolia. Student must bring following documents 5 days before leaving Mongolia to Student and Alumni Office: 1. Original passport 2. Original residence card |
Transfer to other institutions |
Foreigners enrolled in the NUM non-degree program will not be transferred to another school, and please note that the NUM’s invitation will be revoked if you decide to transfer. For degree students submit official letter from transferring institution |
Үйл ажиллагааны чиглэлүүд
Судалгаа болон санаачлагыг дэмжих үйлчилгээ
Оюутны тэтгэлэг, санхүүгийн дэмжлэг
Дотуур байр, орон сууцны үйлчилгээ
Нийгмийн үйлчилгээ, оюутны байгууллагад үзүүлэх үйлчилгээ
Оюутан солилцоо хөтөлбөрийг дэмжих үйлчилгээ
Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт, төгсөгчдийг дэмжих үйлчилгээ
Хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй суралцагчдад үзүүлэх үйлчилгээ
Гадаад оюутныг дэмжих үйлчилгээ
Хууль эрх зүйн зөвлөх үйлчилгээ